CEF- Centro de Estudios Financieros

Advanced International Taxation Programfavoritos

1 Opinión
CEF- Centro de Estudios Financieros
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La actividad del CEF se desarrolla en tres campos principales, siempre relacionados con la formación:

En primer lugar, la preparación de Oposiciones de acceso a los diversos cuerpos de las Administraciones Públicas, con requisito de Licenciado o Diplomado, actividad en la que son líderes indiscutibles en número de alumnos y resultados.
En segundo lugar, imparten la más completa oferta formativa de Masters Profesionales, Cursos Superiores y Monográficos, enfocados a un mismo objetivo: el empleo.
En tercer lugar, el CEF cuenta con una moderna y especializada Editorial.

Los sistemas de enseñanza que utiliza CEF son tres: el de clases presenciales, que imparte en los Centros propios de Barcelona, Madrid y Valencia, el de clases a distancia y el de clases semipresenciales, que consiste en una adecuada combinación de ambas modalidades. En todos los sistemas se aprovecha al máximo el uso de las nuevas tecnologías dando acceso a los alumnos a la plataforma de teleformación, para que se aprovechen de las oportunidades que la red Internet nos brinda.

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Este curso está dentro de la categoría Formación Continua y lo imparte CEF- Centro de Estudios Financieros. Con una duración de 24 horas que cursarás de Forma Presencial en Barcelona en Inglés, tiene un precio de 780€ ... no esperes más y Solicita Información Gratis Ahora o Sigue Leyendo

Detalles del Advanced International Taxation Program


CEF provides the most complete educational offer in Professional Masters, Higher and Monographic Courses centred on the same objective: the Job. Each year we check and adapt over 100 educational actions seeking the best benefits for our Students so they can find their first job opportunity or be promoted, as well as facilitating the continuous education of professionals.

For companies, we are not merely providers professionals trained in our classroom via the Job Centre service. A great number of companies trust in the CEF (continuous professional training for their employees). Our Education Department for companies is in charge of adapting our material and human resources to the specific needs of the company obtaining a high level of satisfaction. It is worth mentioning the success obtained by our outdoor methodology in the development of Managerial Skills.


With this course you will learn the basic knowledge you need to manage in the spanish taxation system. CEF provides you a complete syllabus, which has been developed by professionals of the sector.

A quién va dirigido este programa

The course is addressed to the tax professionals and directors of tax in corporate groups whishing to perfect their knowledge within the field of Spanish taxation that affects business transactions and investments in the international area. It is also addressed to professionals looking for answers to many of the issues they face in international tax.

  • Tax controversy. A debate on some of the most conflicting rules within the Spanish Non-Residents Income Tax Law (withholdings to non-residents, cross-border services and intangibles, management fees, permanent establishment exposures, capital gains taxation, etc.). Latest administrative doctrine and case law.
  • Practical issues surrounding the election of the legal form for foreign investments into Spain and Spanish investments abroad (the permanent establishment, branches, subsidiaries and partnerships).
  • The implementation of appropriate holding company structures for inbound investors into Spain and for Spanish groups with investments abroad.
  • Detailed review of the Spanish participation exemption regime on foreign source dividends and capital gains, the ETVE holding company regime and the Spanish Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) rules.
  • Tax-efficient financing for cross-border investments.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions. Tax structuring for cross-border reorganizations, acquisitions and dispositions.
  • European Union Jurisprudence and its influence in the Spanish tax landscape.


A certificate will be given to acknowledge the accomplishment of the course "Advanced International Taxation Program" to those students that attend 90% of the sessions.

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